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This book calls on all climate programs to expand beyond emission reductions and physical adaption, to focus on assisting individuals and groups to learn skills to use the adversities caused by climate change to learn, grow and flourish. It urges mental health, education, and faith leaders to expand beyond post crisis-treatment to emphasize building preventative personal and psychosocial resilience skills. Failure to proactively help people deal constructively with the harmful mental health and psychosocial impacts of climate disruption will seriously impair the safety and health of individuals as well as the security and social wellbeing of organizations, communities and whole societies for generations to come. It will also delay or completely block efforts to reduce the impacts of climate disruption to manageable levels. Doppelt begins by describing how natural human psychobiological reactions to the traumas and toxic stresses generated by climate disruption damage the psychological, emotional, and social wellbeing of individuals, organizations, communities and whole societies. Using numerous examples, including his own organization's Transformational Resilience program, the author describes methods and skills that may be used to build capacity within all levels of societies to avoid self and socially harmful reactions and use the traumas of climate change as catalysts to find new meaning, direction, and hope in life. Using the author's extensive experience of advising public, private and non-profit sectors on using behavioral and systems change knowledge and tools, this book applies an important new perspective to the question of how to successfully respond to climate change., This book calls on all sectors to expand their climate programs beyond emission reductions and physical adaption, to focus on assisting individuals and groups to use the adversities caused by climate change to learn, grow and flourish. Failure to focus on helping people deal with the mental health and psychosocial aspects of climate disruption will seriously impair the safety and health of individuals as well as the security and social wellbeing of organizations, communities and whole societies for generations to come. It will also seriously delay efforts to reduce the impacts of climate disruption to manageable levels., Using the author's extensive experience of advising public, private, and non-profit sectors on personal, organization, and community behavioral and systems change knowledge and tools, this book applies a new lens to the question of how to respond to climate change. It offers a scientifically rigorous understanding of the negative mental health and psychosocial impacts of climate change and argues that overlooking these issues will have very damaging consequences. The practical assessment of various methods to build human resilience offered by Transformational Resilience then makes a powerful case for the need to quickly expand beyond emission reductions and hardening physical infrastructure, to enhance the capacity of individuals and groups to cope with the inevitable changes affecting all levels of society. Book jacket.

Transformational Resilience : How Trauma-Informed Responses to Climate Disruption Can Catalyze Positive Change by Bob Doppelt in PDF, TXT, DOC

The regional complexity of the human microbiota is only now emerging with the application of bacterial phylogenetic analyses through the use of next generation sequencing (NGS) methodologies.Feeding nine billion people by 2050 will require major efforts aimed at climate change adaptation and mitigation.Chapter 6 exposes readers to more mechanistically formulated models, including cell quota-based population growth models with applications to real tumors and validation using clinical data.Who stand to benefit most by promoting public climate change alarmism?First published in 1963, Design with Climate was one of the most pioneering books in the field and remains an important reference for practitioners, teachers, and students, over fifty years later.Jill Jonnes's Urban Forests is a passionate, wide-ranging, and fascinating natural history of the tree in American cities over the course of the past two centuries.